Increase safety with firefighting robots

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Trusted by public institutions and leading companies

Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris (BSPP)
Bataillon de marins-pompiers de Marseille (BMPM)
Singapore Civil Defence Academy (SCDF)
Service d'incendie et de secours Genève (SIS)
Fire Services Department (HKFSD)
Follo Brannvesen IKS
Mumbai Fire department
National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of Poland (KGPSP)
École nationale supérieure des officiers de sapeurs-pompiers (ENSOSP)


Firefighting robot

Heavy Firefighting Robot


Firefighting robot

Medium Firefighting Robot


NEW Security robot

Mule Robot

Safety Firefighting robots reduce risks for firefighters by accessing hazardous areas
Efficiency Firefighting robots enhance the efficiency of fire suppression operations.
Versatility Firefighting robots are adaptable to various scenarios, including industrial, urban and wildland fires

Firefighting robots in everyday operations

Icon of a house with an open garage door and stacked cartons. Indoor fires / warehouse fires
Firefighting robots are crucial for indoor and warehouse fires in limited-access areas like tunnels, ensuring high-risk environments remain safe.
Icon of a car parked with a large parking sign above. Car park fires / garage fires
Firefighting robots swiftly respond to car park fires, safeguarding both firefighters and the public while preventing fire spread.
Icon of a factory with a classic design and a tall chimney. Industrial fires / factory fires
Industrial fires are managed efficiently with firefighting robots, mitigating risks and enhancing safety in hazardous environments.
Icon of a tunnel entrance with road markings. Tunnel fires / underground fires
Firefighting robots provide extensive protection by preventing ignition of adjacent structures or infrastructure within tunnel fires.
Icon of test tubes in agitation, representing hazardous material handling. Nuclear / Oil fires / Gas fires / Chemical fires
Firefighting robots tackle nuclear fires, oil fires, gas fires, and chemical fires, accessing dangerous zones to suppress flames and handle hazardous materials.
Icon of three trees symbolizing forest fire management. Wildfires / Forest fires
Containing wildfires, firefighting robots play a vital role in preventing fire spread and protecting vast areas from environmental damage.

The Colossus legacy: Notre-Dame Cathedral fire - Paris

In a historic moment, our Colossus robot demonstrated its valor during the Notre-Dame cathedral fire in April 2019. Enduring temperatures exceeding 900°C for over 10 hours, the Colossus ventured into the heart of the inferno, aiding in the cooling efforts and safeguarding treasures. This deployment showcased the resilience and effectiveness of our firefighting robots, solidifying their reputation as indispensable firefighter tools.

Interior view of the Notre-Dame fire with the Colossus robot in action.

Pioneering firefighting robots: setting the standard

Shark Robotics leads the way in the realm of firefighting robots. Since 2016, we've been trailblazers, starting with our Colossus model, a 500 kg behemoth developed in collaboration with the Paris Fire Brigade. Following its success, we introduced the versatile Rhyno Protect in 2019, weighing 200 kg and designed for smaller interventions. With nearly 130 robots deployed globally, our legacy in firefighting robotics is unmatched.

Colossus robot operating efficiently in the field.

Hyper-modular models: intuitive solutions

Our firefighting robots redefine modularity and ease of use. Designed with hyper-modularity in mind, these intuitive robots offer unparalleled flexibility in operation. Whether it's the Colossus or the Rhyno Protect, each model boasts seamless adaptability to diverse firefighting scenarios. From indoor fires to industrial disasters, our robots are primed to excel, ensuring maximum safety and efficiency with minimal training required.

Technicians assembling a component of the Colossus robot.

In-house excellence: full build, made in France

Shark Robotics leads the way in the realm of firefighting robots. Since 2016, we've been trailblazers, starting with our Colossus model, a 500 kg behemoth developed in collaboration with the Paris Fire Brigade. Following its success, we introduced the versatile Rhyno Protect in 2019, weighing 200 kg and designed for smaller interventions. With nearly 130 robots deployed globally, our legacy in firefighting robotics is unmatched.

Technician working on the Colossus robot in our workshop.

Other applications

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